Sunday 28 July 2013



Habits can be good and bad. Let us see how habits are formed.

The Sources of Habits:-

1.          We acquire habits from customs, experiences and teachings.
2.          We acquire habits because they serve our purpose.
3.      We fall into a pattern of action and continue in it because, for one reason or another, it is easy to do, it is easy to do, it reduces our tensions, and it satisfies us.

Again please remember what I said before. Habits can be good and bad, both. You must try to form the habits that are productive and capable to improve your character. The habits that do damage to your character must be shunned.

Now some beautiful quotations one habits.

1.          Habits are formed like cobwebs, and then they become shackles.
2.          Habits, if not resisted, soon become necessities.
3.          Habits are the backbone of our behavior.
4.          The formation of habits has a physiological base.
5.          Poor habits can actually prevent a person from being successful in life.
6.          All habits – whether good or poor – develop and become established because they yield satisfaction.
7.          Habits release the mind so it can think about personal problems.
8.       Although it is difficult to change awkward behavior into a good behavior, we find the change agreeable after it has been made.
9.          Habits eliminate much of the tedium from life.
10.     The motive force behind the formation of any habit is need.
11.     Habits can either help us or hamper us in gratifying our needs.
12.     It is absolutely essential in getting rid of a bad habit to develop some good ones to take its place.
13.     The formation of habits can be left to a chance.


As I mentioned at the start, habits can be either good or bad in their nature and effects. A good habit can enhance your will power. It is also possible that it strengthens your ability to exert self-control and formation of other good habits. But bad habits can deplete your self-esteem and make you a laughing stock in front of others. So, be very careful. Encourage the formation of good habits while never delay to shun the bad ones in their initial stage itself.

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