Monday 22 July 2013




Wherever and whenever your character is under scrutiny or being assessed, you will be judged on the basis of these two qualities (along with many others to follow). These ordinary looking words in fact are very significant. They attribute an important characteristic related to value, worth and reliability of any person. If you wish you are not being ignored by the people around you and your superiors, better know all about this quality, read the five rules given blow and assimilate them so that they become your character. But first know that we mean by these qualities. Promptness and punctuality means the following:-

1.     The characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an   obligation before or at a previously designated time.

2.           The quality or habit of adhering to an appointed time.

3.           Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed, promptly.

You may ask as to why this promptness or punctuality is so important? Please examine yourself.

Being punctual

(i)                 Strengthens and reveals your integrity.
(ii)               Shows you are dependable.
(iii)             Builds your self-confidence.
(iv)             Assures you are at your best.
(v)               Builds and reveals your discipline.
(vi)               Shows your humility. 

Therefore, try hard to cultivate the following in your character:-

1.                           Try to develop a time sense. If you have an appointment to meet some one at five minutes to twelve, start early enough so you can be there a few minutes ahead of time.

2.                            Realize that if you just fret about doing your work, the job will be on your hands again and again in stead of only once.

3.                            Start on your work early, so you will have time to get it finished.

4.                            Keep a record of your successes and failure in being on time.

5.                     Keep a record of what you have to do. Check off each job as it is completed.


In your promptness in attending to your obligatory duties (नियत कर्म) and in all your punctuality and sincerity, you may often face irritating situations. Therefore, let us look at this negative quality called ANGER. I am going to deal with Anger through its inception and birth to its aftermaths soon in my blog VEDANTA: THE ULTIMATE PHILOSOPHY.  This blog is essentially for tips to young people and therefore does not require many details.

All of us know that ‘anger’ is, some times, very harmful sentiment yet it often engulfs most of us. “Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within every body’s power and is not easy.” said Aristotle. So, let’s be careful on the issue of anger.

There are three easy ways to avoid the possibility of harmful results from anger. They are:-

1.           Try to analyse the cause or reason for your anger. If you can look upon the situation realistically and calmly, you will be much better able to do something constructive about it.

2.           Try to ‘work off your steam’ instead of ‘taking it out’ on some one else or letting it upset you too much.

3.           Forgo mailing that letter or doing any thing else on impulse. A few hours later or the next day you will be glad you did not do it.

You will come across number of very popular advices against anger. Any advice that works on you in preventing the anger and saves you from its ugly consequences is of importance. Let us go through those routine advices we normally come across.

1.           Take time out. That is, count up to ten, or chant some holy word or mantra few times, or think of some one whom you loved, liked or respected.

2.           Express your anger when your mind is calm. The anger is a very powerful emotion and must be either substituted, sublimated or expressed in a right way at right moment. Suppression of the same is dangerous. For that it is advised that express it when your mind is not overwhelmed with this emotion and is relatively calm. In this condition, the devastating effects of the anger can be minimized.

3.           Utilize physical outlets. Go for a brisk walk or run or involve yourself in some physical diversion at the time you feel your anger is escalating. Workout yourself. That will work.

4.           Hold your tongue. Learn to pause and think before you speak. Normally in the heat of the moment the blunders are committed. Postpone the conversation if it is likely to raise anger.

5.           Identification of solutions. Instead concentrating on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Make yourself realize that the anger will not fix anything. It will possibly make it worse.

6.           Avoid blaming. Normally the quarrels start when one says “you did this” or “you are responsible for this whole mess” etc. Instead you may say “I am hurt or upset or in pain because of  ...” That diminishes the force of anger.

7.           Forgive. It is a most powerful tool. Let not this negative impulse over-power you. It will diminish and injure your positive strength. Do not allow it to swallow up your brighter aspects.

8.           Practice relaxation skills. When your temper flares up, put relaxation skills to work. Practice deep-breathing exercises, imagine a relaxing scene, or sing some nice song etc, whatever it takes to encourage relaxation.

9.           Lighten up. Don’t use sarcasm. Don’t abuse or call names. Instead use humour to release tension. Gently smile back to the people who intend to create tension.

10.       Seek help. Learning to control anger is a challenge for everyone at times. Consider seeking help for anger issues if your anger seems out of control, causes you to do things you regret or hurts those around you. You might explore local anger management classes, or practice meditation. Speak to some one whom you consider wiser and sympathetic. Please do not suppress it.

Remember – anger is a response to frustration. The happiest life is the life without any frustration.

I wish, you lead an anger free life supported by promptness and punctuality. I will give you more tips involving various traits of mind that create your character.

Till then,

Yaduraj Singh Bais

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